
Wednesday, 8 January 2014

New Year, New Start, New Hope!

Hello all! I haven't put up a post in a while, so what has been new with me... well I have a new job. It's better for me, and also secret, and I'm gonna keep it that way. :)

I'm still writing, but my job is more important, so writing is taking a side step. I recently has a scare with my mother, she visited the hospital late in November after having a seizure. Still don't know why she had one, but she's on the mend now.

I worked over Christmas and Boxing Day, sadly. But such is life. I was also working New Years Eve and New Years Day.

But after a week, I'm finally ready to see in the New Year and say Happy New Year!!!

This year I am going to try and do MORE things. I want to take up Tai-Chi (Waterbending I'm such a child) and maybe tone my arse and thighs a bit more. I won't be giving up chocolate though, not even for a two million pounds (if you happen to have more than 2 million, please comment below and we can talk about it).

I have been thinking about the things last year and it was a roller-coaster year. At the beginning of 2013, I saw the new year in, on a freezing cold pier with large bonfire's, spicy fish stew and foil-wrapped baked potatoes in icy, freezing Seocheon, Korea.

We were given a "Wish" to attach to a tree. I can't remember what it was though, the cold got to my brain.
Freezing cold, wrapping up like a bazillion layers, here's me, pointing to the wish that I tied to the tree.

So yes, all of the above was me seeing in New Year 2013. Then of course my students party, the travelling around Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangkok and Phuket, I was one very lucky girl.

Then, I had to come back to the UK and everything went downhill from there. Don't know about my fellow Brits, but it's so depressing being back in the UK. However, I didn't do bad in the job department. Being smart, I applied for jobs and ended up with 4, yes 4! Two were summer jobs, but it was still money at the end of the day, and the other jobs were permanent to a certain degree. And that was it. I had a death in my family, I saw family members who I had never seen in my life and other's that I hadn't seen in years. And my book was published in August.

So what is going to happen this year? I'm hoping for good things. Really nice good things to happen for my friends and family, so fingers and toes crossed. This year started out with a peaceful ending, so I can hope that something will come as a peaceful beginning at the end of the year.

Will try for another book blog soon and try and do a competition for Loving In Time. Just need some ideas.

Ciao for now! xxx