
Sunday, 17 February 2013

Updates and Vietnam

Ok where to start...

I've never been one to keep things going, I mean blogging and stuff like this, I'm just annoying like that, but on the up side, I have good reasons for lacking in the blog department.

Lets see... from November I finished NaNoWriMo within 2 weeks-ish, then December I was given the chance for my short fantasy stories to be put into a new fantasy magazine, then by January, I was asked to be a freelance copy-editor for the magazine. Not only that some of my stories will be published and I'll have my own column in there. Wow!

So the magazine... what is it? Well it's called the Kingdom of Fantasy and it's a monthly magazine that can be downloaded on the Apple Store and on Kindle. :)

To see their facebook page go here, and for their website, here.

The magazine contains fantasy comics as well as fantasy stories. Each month there is a theme running throughout the pages. The first edition is witches! I will give you no more info than that, you'll have to check it out yourself.

Also in January I have updated my website a little bit, added some colour, some new music and put up a new story for FREE download. Click here, to go to my website!

So what else is there to say? Well I went to Ha Long Bay just recently! If you aren't sure where it is, I shall give you a clue, (if you've read the book) Tara, Saskia flew around the islands and found Rhea! Guessed yet? Ha Long Bay is in Northern Vietnam and is a World Heritage (UNESCO) site. It's a pitted bay that is chock full of limestone outcrops, blanketed in luscious greenery and hides away the floating villagers who have never once stepped onto dry land their entire lives! It truly was inspiring and picturesque! Below are a few pictures from my journey!

This was one of the floating villages in Ha Long Bay. Never stepping foot on land, the people trade with fish for rice, poultry and vegetables! 
This was our Junker, part of Glory Cruises. Inside our cabins were so pretty! Smooth sailing throughout our entire cruise!
A beautiful view on top of an island. Ha Long Bay has nearly 2,000 islands!  There are only a handful where people can live on as many of them are difficult to climb onto.
The mouth of Sung Sot Hang, or the Amazing Cave! It has three chambers, each one is bigger than the last. I saw many people had carved or painted their names on the side of the walls, one dating back into the 1800's!
The sun setting on our last day in Ha Long. It was a beautiful place to go!  I'm very lucky!

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